Nishikawa Lab., College of Tourism, Rikkyo University
Community Based Tourism, Tourism Policy, and Urban Planning
本研究は、これまで都市計画の不在と乱開発が指摘されてきた1960年代の熱海市を対象に、都市計画の展開を明らかにするものである。熱海市では、高山英華が手がけた総合開発計画構想案(通称「高山プラン」)が1960年代の都市計画の指針となった。計画はマスタープランとして位置付けられ、都市計画法を根拠とする内容と観光施設整備など法的根拠を持たない内容の両方を組み入れた総合的なもので、多くの事業や都市計画決定が実施された。住民による海岸景観保全運動や行政と住民との間で眺望地益権の保護契 約締結など、海岸景観への意識も高かった。しかし、市街地については、美観地区や高度地区など高山プランで記されたものの、都市の建築が作り出す景観に対する規制は実現されなかった。
本研究は西山夘三の観光計画論を明らかにするものである。具体的には、1) 西山の観光論を西山の意識の変化と共に詳細に捉えること、2) 計画者としての立場から見た西山の計画論を明らかにすること、3) 西山の関わった計画を通じて理論と計画の関係性を見ることである。戦前から西山夘三はレクリエーションの延長として観光に関心を寄せていたが、戦災復興期は、観光施設の建設による観光地整備を考えており、それは建築家としての一面を示すものであった。しかし、戦災復興期から高度経済成長期に移行し国民の消費を促す観光開発による自然破壊が目立つようになると、生活リズムを高めるための観光を主張し、国土スケールで観光資源の保存と開発を両立する計画論を提示するようになっていく。その理論を計画に適用させたのが京都計画や奈良計画等の構想計画であった。西山の、生活リズムを高めるものとして観光を捉える視点は、現代において1)地域が観光客から得る利益だけでなく、観光客が地域から得る利益を考える視点、2) レクリエーションと観光の総合的な空間計画の必要性、3) 適正な観光地創出に行政関与の必要性を提起する。
本研究は欧州評議会の文化の道において、政策の変遷及び仕組みを明らかにすることを目的している。分析の結果、政策の変遷は6 期に分類することができた。第1期:文化観光に関する議論(1960年代)、第2期:サンティアゴ巡礼道の再生に関する議論(1980年代前半)、第3期:東西欧の文化的なつながりの再生(1990年代前半)、ウィーン宣言の影響を受けた最初の規則制定(1990年代半ば)、各文化の道に地域における活動を求めるようになった規則の制定(1990年代後半から2000年代前半)、より厳しい規則による文化の道の質の維持(2000年代後半以降)である。文化の道では、欧州評議会、文化の道協会、ネットワーク組織が欧州文化アイデンティティの形成高揚を目的に活動を展開する仕組みがある。
This research focuses on the “historical routes policy” by the Cultural Affairs Agency in Japan. This paper aims to clarify 1) its philosophy, 2) the policy's influences on local areas and 3) this policy's difficulties.
The results are as follows;
1) The policy aims both conservation of the routes in the regional scale and walkable environment.
2) Not only the historical routes but also the heritage along the routes were listed and conserved.
3) Changes of the framework and the character of the historical routes made this policy difficult to succeed.
This paper focuses on the revision of the City Planning Law in 1933, which extended the law's application to small towns, focusing primarily on towns with hot springs (Onsen), beaches, historical sites and sightseeing places. In the 1920s, scenic areas started to be developed, but the disorganized and uneven nature of this development caused some problems. In the face of this, city planners realized the importance of planning in scenic areas. Research by the Toshi-Kenkyukai (都市研究会) in 1930 clarified that many city planners could utilize city planning in scenic towns to protect the environments from damage by the private companies, to conserve the scenery, to improve the space for tourists, and to combine existing industry with new markets for tourism. At that point in time, the City Planning Law did not apply to small towns. In 1933, the law was revised and small towns with hot springs (Onsen), beaches, historical sites and sightseeing places were included. Kazumi Iinuma, the chief officer of the city planning department, aimed for conserving the natural scenery of these towns, in addition to developing the district close to the natural scenery properly. Through the application of the City Planning Law, the layouts of small towns were decided not only by the town's will but also the prefectures. 576 towns in total applied the revised City Planning Law by the end of the WW2. 224 of them had planned streets, scenic districts or parks. In this paper, 56 towns are identified as scenic towns in light of official statements made and reasons given for the plan. These scenic towns, compared with the others, made a greater number of planning decisions regarding scenic districts and parks.
This research focuses on the city planning of Beppu city before WW2. Beppu is one of the famous tourist destinations in Japan since late modern period. Its start of city planning was a road development project started in 1906. It lasted for about 20years and the road of the Beppu city changed to grid patterns. After city status were given to Beppu in 1924, the discussion about the city planning of Beppu city started. Because Beppu had unique characteristics as a tourist destination, city planning engineers from the Japanese government had much interest in and expectation to the planning. On the other hand, engineers from Oita prefecture and Beppu city, who were in charge of the planning, struggled with the methodology to plan. The city planning law was applied to Beppu city in 1927 and just after that Mr. Hiroyuki Kayanoki, an engineer from the Home Ministry, visited Beppu city and decided the vision of Beppu city as “the city with a scenic view and hot spring”. Along the lines of the vision, engineers from Oita prefecture and Beppu city cooperated and worked together on the planning of streets in 1932 and land use in 1935. Characteristics as a tourist destination were reflected in the planning of them. As for the streets, the railway track and the street was planned as grade intersections to avoid the atmosphere of the tourist destination. As for the land use, the ratio of the industrial areas was only 3% of the city planning area. However, the planning regarding streets and the use of land only covered the city central area and most of the suburbs had no city planning. This situation encouraged Beppu city to make plans on its own in 1937, which was called as “Sento Toshi Keikaku (Hot spring capital city planning)”. Beppu city created the plan with the help of Dr. Tokutaro Kitamura, who was an engineer from the Home Ministry, and Prof. Eitaro Sekiguchi, who was a specialist of landscape architecture. It included the planning of streets, parks and tourist facilities. Also Dr. Tokutaro Kitamura was in charge of the planning of scenic districts. The scenic districts surrounded the city area. Not only natural areas but also tourist attractions and recreation areas for residents were also included in the scenic districts. Even after the Sino-Japanese war was started in July 1937, Beppu city continued making efforts to realize the plan. One large park was created following the Sento Toshi Keikaku with the help of a private company in 1942. Three large land readjustment plans were designed to control over lands, which were owned by owners outside Beppu city. In the previous research, it was mentioned that the city planning technique for the tourist destination before WW2 was the “park system”, which connects parks by roads. However, in Beppu, one of the famous tourist destinations in Japan, how to control land and space were one of the issues to be solved by city planning techniques.
Urban planning for the Yamashiro hot spring by Eika Takayama
Though the necessity of urban planning for tourist destinations in Japan has been acknowledged by some of the professors, little progress has been made so far. In order to contemplate the urban planning of tourist destinations for the future, it is necessary to review the history of planning for tourist destinations. It is also important to clarify how urban planners in Japan previously engaged with tourist destinations. Therefore, this research focuses on Eika Takayama, one of the greatest urban planners of Japan. It explores his works on tourist destinations. He was engaged with the Japan Spa Association and did three types of activities: 1) participation in the discussions held in hot spring areas; 2) a tour to hot spring resorts in Europe with members of the committee and; 3) the actual urban planning of hot spring areas. This paper mentions his relationship with the plans for the Yamashiro hot spring town. With strong demand for the development of tourism during the 1950s, he proposed to create a new town for development while conserving the historical and unique centre of Yamashiro. His idea contributes to the uniqueness of Yamashiro today.